Job Hunting 2

No job is found yet, and I have nothing to do for a day. So I went to a small public library near my house to kill time. I happened to read a book about “Working Poor” in Japan. Some workers are exploited by companies providing not enough salary and benefit like insurance. This book did not give me any idea how to find a job, but the fact how hard to make a living. Somehow, I feel I will get a job soon.


Anonymous said...

The conditions do not sound too good. Did you read in English?

Anonymous said...

I read in the book you gave me. Japanese worked hard because the company took really good care of them, but now it seems they are just exploiting this behavior. It sounds like the United States before labor laws/unions. Japanese have a lot patience I guess and endurance.

Alaina said...

hahha oh look I forgot I made this google blog a year ago.

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